Etymology of the word mahr (marriage portion): A delve into the absence of the word from the Qur’anic lexicon

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate prof. in Quranic studies, Research Center of Howzeh and University, Qom, Iran

2 Assistant prof., Department of Law and Social Jurisprudence, Research Center of Howzeh and University, Qom, Iran

3 PhD graduate in Qur’anic sciences and Hadith, Imam Sadeqh University, Tehran, Iran


Marriage portion is one of the concepts discussed in the Holy Qur’an and addressed widely by interpreters due to its relevance to the fields of jurisprudence, law, social sciences, economics, and family affairs. A question raised by interpreters but left unanswered is that why the Qur’an refers to marriage portion with the words ajr, farizeh, sadaqheh and nahleh rather than mahr, which has been an Arabic word in use since very long time before Islam. To answer this key question, the present study adopts an etymological approach and traces the semantic development of the word mahr from Afroasiatic languages up to the Arabic language. Then, the semantic features of that concept appearing in the Qur’an are identified and analyzed. As the results of the study show, the pre-Islam word of mahr was coined based on the assumption that marriage was an economic transaction in which a girl could be traded like a commodity in return for some money or property, namely mahr. The Qur’an, however, lets this pre-Islam tradition down and builds an Islamic culture of gifting in marriage by applying four new words instead of mahr.           


Main Subjects

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