Essay Writing Guide

It is recommended for the authors to study the “Paper processing” section beforehand.


  1. The authors’ personal information must not be written in the main file. It must appear under the heading “Author’s name and affiliation” in a special file uploaded next to the main file. If the author’s name is mentioned in the main text, the paper will be excluded from processing.


  1. 2. To submit a paper, there is no need to translate the abstract into Arabic or English. The abstracts of the approved manuscripts will all be translated consistently, which is to be paid for by the authors.


Instructions for writing and submitting a manuscript    

  1. The text is supposed to be in Persian.
  2. The submitted text is supposed to be original; neither published elsewhere nor sent to be published.
  3. The paper must be of a research type, authentic and based on research criteria and conventions.
  4. The text is supposed to be no longer than 20 pages or 8000 words.
  5. The text must be typed legibly on Word 2007 with lines spaced out for 1 cm and paragraphs indented for 0.5 cm.
  6. The text (in Persian, Arabic or English) is to be in the IRlotus format and font 13. Arabic parts within the text must be written in bold.
  7. Qur’anic verses and Hadiths must be extracted from the Jame’ Tafasir Noor software. The Arabic verses are to be placed in OP parentheses, which are specific to the Qur’anic verses. The reference given to a verse (name of the chapter: number of the chapter/ number of the verse) is to come in parentheses right after the verse. It is to be followed by the Persian translation the verse in inverted commas. For example:

Pادْعُ إِلی‏ سَبِیلِ رَبِّکَ بِالْحِکْمَةِ وَالْمَوْعِظَةِ الْحَسَنَةِ وَجادِلْهُمْ بِالَّتِی هِیَ أَحْسَنُO «النحل: 16/ 125): «با حکمت و دانش، و اندرز نیکو به راه پروردگارت دعوت کن و با آنان به نیکوترین شیوه به بحث و گفت وگو بپرداز)

If the translation of a verse or a Hadith from a text such as Nahj ul-Balagheh is adopted from a certain source, the corresponding bibliographic data (i.e., information about that source and its translator) have to be included in the ‘References’ section.

  1. The paper must be organized in several sections including an abstract (in Persian, Arabic or English), keywords, introduction, the main body, conclusion and references.
  2. It is necessary to transcribe names and translate obsolete terms and expressions in English right after them in parentheses.
  3. The citations within the text must include the surname(s) of the author(s), the year of publication, the volume number and the page number, all in parentheses.
  4. This journal only publishes the articles about the Qur’an, Hadiths, or religious issues inter-disciplinarily linked to the other fields of science.
  5. The journal reserves the right to reject, accept and edit the submitted articles. Whatever the case, the articles are not returned to the authors.
  6. The authors’ personal information must not be written in the main file. It must appear under the heading “Author’s name and affiliation” in a special file uploaded next to the main file. If the author’s name is mentioned in the main text, the paper will be excluded from processing.
  7. To submit a paper, there is no need to translate the abstract into Arabic or English. The abstracts of the approved manuscripts will all be translated consistently, which is to be paid for by the authors.
  8. The manuscripts received by the journal are examined by the editor-in-chief, judged by the reviewers, approved by the editorial board, and finally formatted for publication.
  9. Based on the reviewers’ and editors’ opinions, the journal office reserves the right to reject, accept and edit the articles from various points of view.
  10. The published articles represent the opinions of the authors alone. They are accepted for publication only based on the judgment of the reviewers. It is the authors that shoulder the responsibility for the veracity of the contents.
  11. The received articles are not sent back to the authors.


Instructions for organizing an article

To facilitate the processing, preparation and publication tasks, the authors are required to practice the following tips.


  1. In the personal information file:
  2. The author’s full name, address, affiliation, telephone number and academic degree are necessary.
  3. If the author is below assistant professor, a co-author who is at least an assistant professor has to be included.


  1. In the main file of the article:
  2. The title should be brief, clear and representative.
  3. The abstract, no longer than 150 words, can be in Persian, Arabic or English, but it is supposed to represent the whole paper. It must contain the statement of a problem, purpose, research type and results in brief.
  4. There should be at most six representative keywords to help electronic searches.
  5. The introduction section should include a clear account of the research goals, the background studies through a literature review and their connection to the current study.
  6. The body of the text, as the main part of the article, must be divided into paragraphs each about a distinct point.
  7. The sentences and paragraphs related to one subject should be clustered under the same heading or subtitle.
  8. The titles in the main body of the text are supposed to be reasonably sequenced; that is, every title appears next to a more general one.
  9. Direct quotations must be marked “….”.
  10. Any quotation, direct or indirect, must be cited with a reference to the corresponding source. The references must be made right after the quoted ideas rather than in the footnotes. A reference includes the author(s) surname(s), year of publication (not marked as AD or AH), volume number and page number (e.g., Tabatabai, 2001, vol. 1, p.200). If the quoted idea comes from more than one page of the source, it must be marked like pp. 200-203.
  11. In the case of identical author names, the initials of their first names are necessary. Also, if two or more sources published in the same year by the same author are quoted from, they must be distinguished with alphabetical letters after the year numbers.
  12. If two sources by the same author are used, they are to be cited as follows:

(Author’s surname, year of publication, volume and page numbers of the first source; year of publication, volume and page numbers of the second source)

  1. If two sources by two authors are cited, the information of the first must be separated from that of the second with a slash (/) as follows:

(Author’s surname, year of publication, volume and page numbers of the first source/ Author’s surname, year of publication, volume and page numbers of the second source)

  1. If the authors of a source are more than three, the first one’s surname is mentioned followed by et al.
  2. The conclusion section, no longer than 200 words, is a brief account of the important points discussed in the body of the paper.
  3. The final section of the paper includes references to whatever sources cited within the text of the article.


Instructions for arranging the references

The list of references appears on a separate page at the end of the article. They must be alphabetically arranged in terms of the authors’ surnames. There are five reference formats as follows:


Reference to books             

Author’s surname, first name; book title; translator’s/editor’s name, edition number, place of publication: publisher, year of publication (to be marked with AD or AH).

Book titles are supposed to be typed in italics and bold face.


References to articles

Author’s surname, first name; “title of the article”, name of the journal, volume of the journal, year of publication.

The article title must be enclosed in “….” and typed in italics and bold face.


References to theses and dissertations

Author’s surname, first name; “title of the thesis”; MA / PhD thesis, field of study, college, university, year of defense.

The thesis title must be enclosed in “….” and typed in italics and bold face.


 Electronic sources

 Author’s surname, first name; “title of the article”, website.

The article title must be enclosed in “….” and typed in italics and bold face.


 Unknown sources

If the author is an organization or institute, it is mentioned in the reference, but, in case there is no certain author, the reference begins with the name of the work.


Missing specifications    

In case certain information about a source is missing, such notations as ‘Bija’ (without a place), ‘Bina’ (without a publisher) and ‘Bita’ (without a date) are to be used.