Understanding the Quranic Term of "Patience": With An Emphasis on Its Use in Quran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor at Mazandaran University

2 M.A of Quranic Sciences and Hadith at Mazandaran University


According to Islamic teachings Patience plays a great role in Faith. But the semantic domain of the term in common sense has been so confined that it represents the following meanings: being satisfied in any situation, bearing the difficult situations and events. The aim of the present paper is to deal with the true meaning of the word "patience" in Quranic teachings. The writer attempts to display the initial meaning of the term and to see how its meaning was extended to embrace public and ethical aspects. Having done this, the writer tries to disclose the general meaning of the term through general references to Quranic verses. According to Quranic verses the literal meaning of the term "patience" is in connection with religious and ethical aspect of patience
